Scientists create a quantum artificial life for the first time using the IBM supercomputer


Artificial intelligence

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Will we ever be able to determine the answers to the origin of life using quantum mechanics? And if it is possible, can there also be a coded life using quantum algorithms.

We are a little closer to discovering the answers to these important requests thanks to the new research carried out with an IBM supercomputer.

Coding practices identified with self-replication, transformation, communication between individuals, a newly created quantum program has been used to demonstrate that quantum PCs may reflect some of the biology of the real world.

This concept is still in its infancy, but it opens the way to a deeper dive into the relationship between quantum mechanics and the starting points of life.

Similar standards governing the science of quantum materials could even play a role in defining our genetic code.

The creation of an artificial life inside personal computers has been the subject of many past experiences, but current software takes into account a classic Newtonian methodology to provide these models – well ordered, with clear movements.

In a way, the sims are not limited to 1 and 0, but can present some of the randomness we see everyday. This guarantees the opening of a new radical field ready to be studied.

"The objective of the proposed model is to replicate the characteristic processes of Darwinian evolution, adapted to the language of quantum algorithms and quantum computing," researchers at the University of Western Ontario said. Basque Country in Spain.

With the use of the IBM QX4 quantum PC, researchers have encoded quantum living units composed of two qubits (the hubs of quantum materials science): one to talk about the genotype (the hereditary code) and one to talk about the phenotype . (the external manifestation or the "body").

These units were then customized to recreate, change, advance and die as a living being. Random modifications were presented using quantum state turns to recreate a mutation.

Fortunately, these real quantum calculations were similar to the models proposed by the group in 2015.

We are still far from understanding the deeper questions about life and the universe, and creating an artificial life inside a quantum PC – but that shows that this may be possible.

"We leave open the question of whether the origin of life is really quantum mechanics," explain the researchers.

"What we are demonstrating here is that microscopic quantum systems can efficiently encode quantum features and biological behaviors, usually associated with living systems and natural selection."

The research was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

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