Scientists create an ultra-powerful magnetic field, explodes immediately


Physicists in Japan have created the most powerful controllable magnetic field in recorded human history. Not only the strongest field of all time, but the magnetic field created by scientists at the University of Tokyo has been maintained longer than any other comparable magnetic field. He reached such power that the ground knocked down the door of their laboratory.

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Four hundred times more powerful than an MRI, the magnetic field was created with a method called electromagnetic flow compression. The field measured at 1200 teslas, a magnetic unit of measure. While Russian scientists managed to create a 2,800 Tesla magnetic field, their equipment exploded with the terrain.

"I've designed the iron case to withstand about 700 T," says Takeyama at Spectrum IEEE. The door was in an iron cabinet prepared for an assault of this nature. a loud explosion, bend down and break a door, "next time I'll make it stronger," he says.

These kinds of machines are created for a very specific purpose: to create magnetic fields capable of studying the physics of solids. Such strong domains can help to study nanoscale devices such as semiconductors.

"In general, the higher the field, the better the resolution of the measurement," says Takeyama to Spectrum.

The field created by physicist Shojiro Takeyama and his team lasted much longer than the Russian field, relatively speaking, about 100 microseconds, about one thousandth of the time needed to blink, according to the University of Tokyo. Compression of the electromagnetic flux can generally reach levels of 1000 Tesla, and exceeding this number is a crucial step for physics.

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"With magnetic fields higher than 1,000 Tesla, you open up exciting possibilities," says Takeyama in a press release. "You can observe the movement of electrons out of the physical environments in which they are normally located, so we can look at them from a new angle and explore new types of electronics.

Compression of the electromagnetic flux can generally reach levels of 1000 Tesla and exceeding this number represents a crucial step for physics.

"One way to produce melting energy is to confine the plasma – a sea of ​​charged particles – into a large ring called tokamak in order to extract the energy," he explains. . "This requires a powerful magnetic field in the order of thousands of teslas for a duration of several microseconds, which is very similar to what our device can produce."

He can also make pretty cool explosions. Although it is not as stable as, say, bis-oxadiazole, it could be much more useful in everyday society. As long as they have stronger doors.

Source: Digg

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