Scientists created the first simulation of a black hole and brought Sagittarius to virtual life


Scientists created a virtual reality simulation of the Sagittarius A black hole.

For the first time, scientists have created a virtual reality simulation of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A that lies at the center of the Milky Way. Researchers from the Netherlands and the Goethe, German and Radboud Universities have been able to achieve this feat by taking astrophysical models of the black hole in order to transform them into images that, once compiled, form a perfect 360-degree virtual reality simulation of the Sagittarius A.

<p class = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "As reported, the simulation of Sagittarius A can be enjoyed on virtual reality consoles and the scientists who created it believe that it could prove extremely useful to learn more about black holes. "data-reactid =" 25 "> As As mentioned, the simulation of Sagittarius A can be appreciated on virtual reality consoles and the scientists who created it believe that it could be extremely useful to learn about black holes.

Jordy Davelaar, one of the authors of the new study on Sagittarius A, explained that given the impossibility of heading to a black hole and examining it right now, the Creating a black hole in virtual reality is the best thing for scientists to do.

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