Scientists develop Neanderthal brains to put internal robots


Scientists grow Neanderthal brains in petri dishes, which they plan to put inside robots

If anyone wanted to know why the Neanderthals were disappearing, know that the Scientists from the University of California at San Diego are working to find the answer. . By cultivating Neandertalian brains in Petri dishes, which will then be placed in crab-like robots, scientists believe that by studying the behavior of the robot, they will better understand why the Neanderthals were wiped from the surface of the robot. the Earth

. The process began with human pluripotent stem cells, which were edited using a gene editing tool called CRISPR. Through the process, stem cells became "neanderthalized," according to Live Science . This is done using genetic information extracted from fossils. After six to eight months in a petri dish and an "internal process," the cells grow into small brains measuring about 0.2 inches. Brains do not have blood, so they stop growing when they reach that size.

As if that were not enough, the brains will be connected to robots. From there, scientists will observe his behavior and his learning patterns to gain knowledge about the Neanderthal brain. Study leader Alysson Muotri elaborated

"By doing this systematically, we will learn what genetic alterations have made us uniquely human and why they have been positively chosen."

Muotri also describes his motivation behind the project, saying that "Neanderthals are fascinating because they shared the Earth with us and there is now genetic evidence that we actually cultivated with them."

The process of brain growth in Petri dishes is not new. According to Scientific American scientists have already cultivated human brains. Brains only grew to be the size of lentils, and they were grown in mouse skulls. In this case, the mice gave the brain enough blood and nutrients to maintain its status for months. "In our hands, organoids stop growing around five weeks," said Fred Gage. "It's a function of size rather than time." We observe a cell death even at the edge of the organelles starting at 10 weeks, which becomes dramatic over time.This is a clear obstacle for the # 39; long-time study. "

And just as in the experiment with Neanderthal brains and robots, the mice were compared side by side. Mice with human brains and mice with regular mouse brains seemed to have some differences. For example, mice with human brains apparently made fewer mistakes in a maze, but that was only the first day of tests

With the advancement of technology and others studies with animals and human brains, should consider the ethical and scientific implications of these revolutionary studies.

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