Scientists discover a 103 million year old dinosaur bone in Oregon


A team of scientists from the University of Oregon discovered a dinosaur bone in eastern Oregon near Mitchell. It should be noted that this is the first confirmed case of discovery of a dinosaur bone in Oregon, and initial analyzes revealed that this bone dates from about 103 million years ago. 39; years.

The researchers who participated in this study revealed that this discovery was totally unexpected, as the entire region was under water, mainly in the dinosaur era. The bones of the toe discovered apparently belong to a herbivorous biped dinosaur, called ornithopod.

"This bone was sitting there with all the rocks.It was quite surprising.No excavation was necessary.It was just sitting among the Ammonites and spiraling fossils.C & # 39; was in a marine boulder.This is not where we expect to find dinosaurs.We have seen pines such as pterosaur bones and a plesiosaur from these same rocks. But the dinosaurs have disappeared until now, "said Greg Retallack, a scientist from the University of Oregon at

It is interesting to note that the period during which these ornithopods lived is in the same geological period as that of the daring Tyrannosaurus Rex who has ruled the planet for many years.

According to the researchers, the biped dinosaur more than 20 feet long and weighed nearly a ton. This creature could be dead on the shore and washed away by the sea. That's why it was discovered in Oregon, a watery world once.

A few weeks ago, a team of Spanish and Argentine researchers had discovered in Argentina the remains of a previously unknown dinosaur species. The experts revealed that this dinosaur named Lavocatisaurus agrioensis could have lived 110 million years ago and that they had a long neck, a small head and a long tail. The researchers also added that the harsh weather conditions in this Argentinian desert characterized by insufficient flora and fauna contributed to their deaths.

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