Scientists discover an object billions of miles beyond Pluto that could lead to "Planet X"


Scientists could be closer to discovering the mysterious "Planet X".

The Planet of the Minor Planet of the International Astronomical Union announced Tuesday that an object several billion kilometers distant from Pluto had been spotted.

Scientists have stated that this object, named 2015 TG387 and nicknamed "The Goblin", provided evidence of the existence of Planet X.

It has been discovered as part of ongoing research by astronomy of undiscovered dwarf planets and planet X, a still undiscovered world that could have a mass about 10 times greater than that of the Earth.


The object would be about to be a dwarf planet, with an orbit of 40,000 years, which means that it takes a long time to get around the sun, it was reported.

Scientists have stated that its current location is about two and a half times farther from the sun than from Pluto.

It is thought that the planet X is four times larger than the Earth. Photo / NASA facebook twitter email linkedin google-plus whatsapp pinterest reddit

The new research, led by the Carnegie Institution for Science, is the largest ever research on distant objects in the solar system.

"I think this discovery brings us closer to the 90% chance that Planet X is real," said Scott Sheppard, astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science.

"This new object has the largest orbit of all extremely distant objects that remain well beyond Pluto."

"These distant objects are like crumbs of bread that lead us to Planet X," he continued.

"The more we find, the better we can understand the outer solar system and the planet that we think shapes their orbits – a discovery that would redefine our understanding of the evolution of the solar system."

"We believe that there could be thousands of small bodies like the 2015 TG387 on the periphery of the solar system, but their distance makes it difficult to find them," added David Tholen, a member of the research team of University of Hawaii.

"Currently, we would only detect the TG387 2015 when it is getting closer to its closest approach to the sun. For about 99% of its 40,000-year-old orbit, it would be too weak to be seen. "

The Kuiper belt is on the periphery of our solar system, and the calculations imply that a planet is also hiding there. Photo / NASA facebook twitter email linkedin google-plus whatsapp pinterest reddit

These objects were first noticed in October 2015 from a Japanese telescope at the top of Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano in Hawaii.

According to the Carnegie Institution for Science, telescopes in Chile and Arizona later confirmed the existence of the latter.

This is not the first discovery of this group of researchers. Earlier this year, in search of Planet X, the team discovered 12 other moons of Jupiter.

"This result is really interesting, it is that the X planet seems to affect 2015 TG387 in the same way as all the other extremely distant objects of the solar system," said researcher Chad Trujillo of Northern Arizona University. "These simulations do not prove that there is another gigantic planet in our solar system, but they are further proof that something big might exist," he said.

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