Scientists discover that air pollution particles reach mothers' placenta


Scientists have found the first evidence that air pollution particles pass through the lungs of pregnant women and lodge in their placentas.

Toxic air is already strongly related to adverse effects on fetuses, but the way the damage is caused is unknown. The new study, involving mothers living in London, UK, revealed soot particles in the placentas of each of their babies and researchers say that it's entirely possible that the particles also enter the fetus.

"It's a disturbing problem – there is a massive association between the air pollution that a mother inspires and the effect it has on the fetus," he said. said Dr. Lisa Miyashita, of Queen Mary University.

"It is always good if possible to take less polluted routes if you are pregnant – or even if you are not pregnant. I avoid busy roads when I head for the station, "she said.

A series of previous studies have shown that air pollution greatly increases the risk of premature birth and low birth weight, with adverse effects on health for life.

A large study of more than 500,000 births in London, published in December, confirmed the link and led physicians to say that the consequences for millions of women in the polluted cities of the world are "a public health disaster".

Scientists are increasingly finding that air pollution causes health problems far beyond the lungs. In August, research found that air pollution results in a "significant" reduction in intelligence, while in 2016, toxic nanoparticles from air pollution were discovered in the air. human brain.

The new research examined the placenta of five non-smoking women who all gave birth to healthy babies. Researchers have isolated macrophage cells, which are part of the immune system and engulf harmful particles such as bacteria and air pollution.

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Using an optical microscope, they found 72 dark particles among 3,500 cells and then used a powerful electron microscope to examine the shape of some particles.

They were very similar to soot particles in macrophages in the lungs, which capture many, but not all, particles.

Although further analysis is needed for final confirmation, Dr. Miyashita said, "We can not think of anything else. It is very obvious to us that they are black soot particles.

Previous experiments have shown that particles inhaled by pregnant animals cross the bloodstream to reach the placenta.

"We do not know if the particles we found could also move into the fetus, but our evidence suggests that it's actually possible," said Dr. Norrice Liu, also at Queen Mary University from London and part of the team. "We also know that particles do not need to enter the baby's body to have an adverse effect, because if they have an effect on the placenta, this will have a direct impact on the fetus."

The research is presented Sunday at the International Congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) in Paris.

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"This should educate doctors and the public about the damaging effects of air pollution in pregnant women," said Professor Mina Gaga, president of the ERS and at the hospital's ### 39, Athens in Greece.

UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake recently warned of the danger of air pollution in babies:

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