Scientists have created the artificial intelligence inspired by HAL 9000 from after "2001: The Odyssey of Space"


Remember HAL 9000 Timeless Movie 2001: The Space Odyssey? The sensitive supercomputer with a tendency to murder astronauts? Well, he is no longer just a product of Stanley Kubrick's imagination.

A computer scientist has developed an artificial intelligence directly inspired by the iconic supercomputer-supervisor Kubrick, able to serve astronauts simulated on a virtual global basis. Fortunately, its creator clearly stated, "We do not plan to program paranoia in the system." Good idea, we believe.

"I saw 2001: The Space Odyssey in my last year at West Point in 1968. West Point had only one computer, wrote the author Pete Bonasso in the study. "I programmed this computer to shoot billiards, virtually. But when I saw 2001I knew that I had to turn the computer into another being, a being like HAL 9000. "

In his new study, entitled "CASE: A HAL 9000 for 2021", explains Bonasso. It explains how CASE has been trained to perform all the daily tasks of daily life on a virtual global basis, such as maintaining oxygen generation systems and eliminating carbon dioxide or even l & # 39; 39; sending a mobile to take rock samples. Of course, these types of tasks may require a lot of work in real life. CASE is also able to react to changing situations and reprogram activities if and when problems occur, such as a gas leak or a global dust storm.

Like HAL, he can also engage in conversations and interact with the crew in answer questions and answer orders. The study explains, "If you say" Open the pod bay doors, CASE "(assuming there are doors for pod bays in the habitat), unlike HAL, she will answer" Certainly, Dave "because we do not intend to program paranoia in the system. "

Bonasso performed a 4-hour simulation to see how CASE solved the many problems he faced. No astronaut was killed, which is an advantage, and it seemed that the base had managed to function without any hiccups.

There is still a lot of work to be done before CASE can actually handle humans. Nevertheless, Bonasso has bold plans for the future. He says that they could start experimenting with CASE in real-life scenarios to see how it would be with a real crewed mission on the Moon or Mars.

Who knows, maybe CASE will join us on a trip to Jupiter to investigate mysterious black monoliths. For the sake of God, just do not give him the ability to read on the lips.

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