The European Space Agency reported the discovery. For tens of millions of years under the Antarctic were the remains of continents.
These facts are known after working longer for the European space satellite GOCE. United were its data and technological parameters, which make it possible to create three-dimensional maps of the Earth's lithosphere (it includes crust and mantle in fusion).
Under Antarctica discovered the remains of Gondwana.
In the report, scientists said, "In East Antarctica, we observed a" mosaic "of geological features. The map showed the fundamental difference between the Antarctic crust and other continents. It is thought that Antarctica was part of another continent 160 million years ago. It was the supercontinent Gondwana, which began to separate 130 million years ago. Between Australia and Antarctica, the relationship remained 55 million years ago. And noting that the rocky areas are the remnants of the Gondwana continent, they provide information on the structure of the modern continents of the Earth. East Antarctica on mountain composition as India and Australia. We will study more in depth the interaction of tectonic plates and the dynamics of the deep mantle ".
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