Scientists have discovered a mysterious artifact, ahead of its time


Ченые обнаружили таинственные артефакты, опередившие свое время

Experts tend to believe that all these discoveries are of cosmic originHaving found many artifacts from the past in a scientific environment, this ignites the debate. After all, explaining their existence in ancient times is simply impossible. And today, unlike the official science, writes in reference to Aspects

In 1885, near Salzburg (Germany), had discovered a piece of ordinary brown coal, but after a detailed study, the scientists discovered a metal case that seems welded. After finding a rational explanation for this unusual coal, experts have estimated the age of this piece in the 25-65 million years, but to determine how the metal went into the middle of the coal. The experts were unable.

Another unusual discovery from the past has come across a couple from the United States. While strolling by the stream, they found the stone from where a wooden handle came out. After the stone split in him, there was a hammer. The discovery was given to scientists after a detailed study determined that the stone age was a few million years old, but the hammer is absolutely similar to modern specimens. Explain the penetration of the hammer into the stone failed.

Many experts are inclined to believe that all these discoveries are of cosmic origin and brought to our planet by extraterrestrials coming from space. Although some scientists believe that there existed before Earth a very developed civilization, which had much more capacities than modern man, as evidenced by mysterious artifacts of the past and ahead of its time.

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