Scientists have discovered a new gene in your immune system and they want you to help name it



02 July 2018 15:06:54

A team of Australian researchers discovered a new gene playing a crucial role in the immune system and launched a public appeal to help name it

Cameron Stewart, a researcher at CSIRO, said he was studying the gene – currently called C6orf106 or "C6" – could lead to new treatments for cancer, influenza and autoimmune diseases.

According to Dr. Stewart and his colleagues, the gene probably evolved over 500 million years ago into much simpler organisms than humans.

"We found the gene by studying the viruses," he said.

"Viruses can not replicate themselves, they need host genes to do it – across the entire genome to identify the human molecules that are important for the growth of the virus." [19659003] The process took about three years, working in a high containment facility.

Dr. Stewart and his colleagues published their findings in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in May and, because they have identified the function of a gene that n & # 39; 39, had not been studied before, they have the right to name

This week, they launched a new website where the public can suggest suggestions.

Dr. Stewart said that he was entering the process with his eyes open and that he knew it was just a matter of time before Genie McGeneface got up

"That Do not bother me, funny suggestions would be great, "he says.

"There is a body that makes the final decision, so I do not think Genie McGeneface will get up,"

Genes Could Lead to New Treatments

CSIRO has stated that the gene is newly identified played a crucial role in regulating the body's immune response to infection and disease

.] The hope is that the discovery could lead to the development of new trea Rebecca Ambrose is a former CSIRO researcher – now based at the Hudson Medical Research Institute – who co-wrote the report on the discovery.

She said that there was still a lot of work to do when it comes to understanding human genes

"Although the human genome was fully sequenced in 2003, there are still thousands of genes we know very little," she says.

"It is exciting to think that C6 exis for more than 500 million years, preserved and transmitted from simple organisms to humans, but it is only now that we are beginning to understand its importance. "

Dr. Stewart echoed these sentiments and said that it was an encouraging time for his team, which works with some of the most deadly diseases on the planet.

"It is a high containment laboratory and we do a lot of diagnoses for very serious, viral diseases." The idea of ​​naming a gene or being the first to discover its function , especially an important gene like this one, which plays a role in cancer and autoimmunity, it's very rewarding and that's one of the reasons why the scientists love their work. "



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