Scientists have explained why people start to see ghosts


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Вчені розповіли, чому люди починають бачити привидів

Scientists have named the reasons why people are starting to see so-called ghosts, UkrMedia informs.

So, the experts noted that 18% of the inhabitants of our planet claim that at certain times of my life, not only did they encounter ghosts, but they even accompanied them to the contact. Scientists have stated that one of the reasons for this phenomenon lies in the possibility of perception of certain people by infrasound.

Thus, 22% of volunteers participating in the experiment admitted that under the effect of sound on 17 Hertz, he felt fear and saw inexplicable things. Can also trigger hallucinations, the presence of mold in the premises. This explains why ghosts often appear in abandoned buildings. In addition, the cause of abnormal visions is a gas leak.

Under the influence of carbon monoxide, the worst changes not only the physical state but also the mental state of the person. Causes the appearance of ghosts and a lack of clean air. Lack of oxygen can cause dizziness and darken the mind.

A big role in this situation plays a self-suggestion of the person in the existence of ghosts. After all, many people like to feel the feeling of fear. In a stressful situation, the brain releases a hormone called dopamine. He is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction.


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