Scientists have found a way to turn carbon dioxide into plastics and fabrics


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US researchers at Rutgers University have learned to make catalysts that convert carbon dioxide into plastics, fibers, resins and other products, reports Nation News.

Besides enzymes, the electrocatalyst is the first material capable of transforming carbon dioxide and water into carbon building blocks. They contain one, two, three or four carbon atoms with a yield greater than 99%.

Scientists were able to create two substances: methylglyoxal (C3) and 2,3-prandial (C4). They can be used as precursors for plastics, adhesives and pharmaceuticals. For safety reasons, toxic formaldehyde, the researchers propose to replace the methylglyoxal.

"Our breakthrough could lead to the conversion of carbon dioxide into valuable products and valuable raw materials in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries," said lead author Charles Dismukes.

Previously, experts have shown that carbon dioxide can be converted to methanol, ethanol, methane and ethylene. However, this method was expensive and inefficient.


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