Scientists have observed a supermassive monster at the Black Hole in the heart of the Milky Way


A group of astronomers reportedly observed for the first time clusters of gases that dangerously gravitate around a black monster hole. This magnificent supermassive black hole accelerates 30% of the speed of light.

According to scientists, this is nothing more than a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A which is concealed in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Recent observations that have been reported by the European Southern Observatory indicate that the gas group is currently revolving around 30% of the conventional light speed flowing just outside the black hole event horizon.

Astronomers have used the GRAVITY instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope to detect flares of infrared radiation from the accumulation disk surrounding the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A. The findings do not only confirm the existence of the hole supermassive black. Instead, they also suggested that the material is currently spinning around the black hole event horizon. According to the last statement, the last observation contains the description and the most complete view of the material in orbit around the black hole.

Oliver Pfuhl, one of the researchers in the study, said that "it's pretty staggering to actually witness the matter that gravitates around a gigantic black hole at a light speed 30% ". One of the extraterrestrial physics scientists at The Max Planck Institute revealed in a statement that "the great sensitivity of GRAVITY allowed them to observe the accumulation processes with unprecedented and real-time detail."

Black holes of monsters such as Sagittarius A often remain hidden in the middle of most galaxies in the universe. The gravitational forces around these cosmic wonders usually attract dust and gases. These results were published on October 18 in a journal – Astronomy & Astrophysics.

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