Scientists have predicted another scenario of destruction of humanity


Ченые спрогнозировали еще один сценарий гибели человечестваThe approach of planet X can be compared to the explosion of hundreds of nuclear bombs

Scientists around the world are sounding the alarm, because the planet Nibiru has become one of the main dangers that threaten all living beings on the planet.

The scientists shocked the forecasts. They envision that the approach of the planet X can be compared to the explosion of hundreds of nuclear bombs, so that to survive the Apocalypse will not exceed 3% of humanity.

Ufologists are convinced that Nibiru will not collide with our planet. Because the orbit of Nibiru does not intersect the path of our planet in space.

At the same time, at the closest approach, the distance between our planet and the so-called "fireball" will be about 200 million kilometers. However, Nibiru's energy is so strong and harmful to the Earth's ozone layer that, despite a great distance, begins to be a huge hole.

Scientists think that the continued existence of humanity will become a Hollywood scenario: film, food and hygiene will be a real luxury for those who have survived, who do not have the time to envy the dead.

With the animals on the ground will be rats and insects, which are known to survive a nuclear war. Other inhabitants of the deep holes can also survive the harmful influence of the planet X.

People will wander from one place to another, hoping to find other people and believe in a better future. Hunger and barbarity will become the main fears of humanity. It is unknown if it is possible to hunt animals from deep holes. The pernicious influence of Nibiru can turn living things into something dangerous for the human body.

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