Scientists have reported that can destroy the Earth


<img class = "aligncenter" src = "" alt = "Climate Change Can Be Unpredictable Even Respect The Paris Agreement does not guarantee that we will be able to avoid serious threats to the planet, reports the online edition of with reference to Znaj.iaob has been announced by scientists from the Open University and the University of Sheffield in the UK.

Some experts question the feasibility of efforts to curb rising temperatures, given that the Earth has already warmed a degree, and that warming is still the ocean.However, other scientists believe that reduced levels of greenhouse gas emissions can prevent temperature rise.

Researchers have developed a climate model that takes into account e the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere. It has therefore become apparent that the restriction of temperature rise is technically possible even without excessive restrictions of greenhouse gas emissions with a probability of 50%. However, in this case, the associated climate changes can be unpredictable in some regions of the Earth, where they can increase the frequency of meteorological disasters.

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