Scientists have said it could plunge the Earth into chaos


Ченые рассказали, что может повергнуть Землю в хаос

What is dangerous climate change. Geniuses of modern science, such as Stephen Hawking, about turning Earth into Venus with acid rain, have a geopolitical aspect, reports in reference to Yu's short story.

Scientists, gathered within the intergovernmental group using all relevant international platforms, warned that climate change on Earth could lead to a global redistribution of the planet when part of the country will be forced to conquer and destroy rivals in the world. the struggle for survival. Global warming is responsible for the imbalance of natural processes, including a significant increase in the number of natural disasters and a catastrophic shortage of fresh water, forcing people to forget centuries of laws developed by civilization.

The melting of the Antarctic and Arctic glaciers will inevitably result in the flooding of island countries as well as a large number of coastal areas. Mass migration is negatively accepted by the population of continental countries. Local clashes are gradually becoming a global war. Recently, the intergovernmental group said that the chaos on the planet was inevitable, if not already, to launch joint actions to limit emissions of industrial combustion.

Scientists, as priority legal acts, propose to introduce a global tax on the use of hydrocarbons and minerals on an industrial scale. In addition, search for new sources of energy. Otherwise, the unlimited and selfish desire to enrich the governments of the industrialized countries and the owners of transnational corporations will lead to disaster.

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