Scientists have shown that orangutans can tell their stories


Realization of a study by experts from the University of St. Andrews.

Ченые доказали, что орангутаны могут рассказывать друг другу о прошлом

Primate researchers at St. Andrews came to the conclusion that orangutans were actually a type of EPA much more advanced than is generally believed. Besides the fact that they can perceive and understand the past, they can also share with their relatives information about past events.

To do this, the researchers conducted a very interesting experiment for the purity of which it was decided to communicate exclusively with wild primates in their natural habitat. Scientists dressed in special combinations, painted in the style of color predators, with tiger stripes, sometimes walked near trees that hid female orangutans with their babies. Once the predator left the area, the primates immediately started looking for relatives and giving the alarm, which should warn others of the possible dangers.

"The woman stopped suddenly, grabbed a load of her baby, defecated, which indicated stress, then began to climb the tree without making any noise. Only 20 minutes after the predator's departure, she started snapping her lips, which he did in the last hour.", – said the head of the research team describing the experience.

A new study has been done on the fact that orangutans are really able to talk about the past, but they only do it on one language.

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