Scientists identify new species of "missing link" between dinosaurs and birds


October 25 (UPI) – Scientists have discovered a new species of the "missing link" between dinosaurs and birds, announced the University of Manchester in Britain.

On the basis of physical characteristics, the researchers believe that the newly identified species of Archeopteryx, known as Archeopteryx albersdoerferi, is a cousin closer to the modern bird than any other dinosaur.

One of the 12 known Archeopteryx specimens, the specimen examined in the last research effort, was the eighth to be discovered and is the youngest of about 500,000 years ago, reported the company. university in a press release.

To evaluate the specimen, researchers have submitted it to a form of three-dimensional X-ray analysis called synchrotron examination, the university announced. They published their findings Wednesday in the journal Historical Biology.

"By digitally dissecting the fossil, we found that this specimen was different from all the others," said researcher John Nudds, of the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences. University of Manchester, in a statement. "He had skeletal adaptations that would have allowed a much more efficient flight.In short, we found out how Archeopteryx lithographica is evolving – a more advanced bird, better suited to flying – and we have described it as a new species of Archeopteryx. "

Sometimes described as a feathered dinosaur, scientists first discovered the Archeopteryx species in the Bavarian region of southern Germany in 1861. A total of 12 specimens were discovered and it is now known as the "link missing "between dinosaurs and birds. According to Nudds, this latest discovery identifies "Archeopteryx as the first bird, and not as one of the many feathered theropod dinosaurs, which some writers have recently suggested."

The researchers' analysis revealed several distinct features of the skeleton of Archeopteryx albersdoerferi, including welded cranial bones, different features of the thorax and strengthened wings and hand bones, the university said.

This was an important step forward in analyzing the skeleton of Archeopteryx specimens, said Dr. Martin Kundrát, lead author of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. , in Slovakia.

"It's the first time that many bones and teeth of Archeopteryx have been seen in all their aspects, including the exposure of their internal structure," Kundrát said. "The use of synchrotron microtomography was the only way to study the specimen because it is highly compressed and contains many fragmented bones partially or completely hidden in limestone."

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