Scientists on global warming: the water will leave Kherson, Odessa and Crimea half


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Climatologists said that because of global warming, the southern regions of Ukraine would soon become a desert and that Kherson and Odessa could be inundated. As reported on our website with a link to Today, the head of the agrometeorology department of the Hydrometeorology Center Tatyana Adamenko said that Ukraine had experienced in recent years many unusual weather events, resulting of global warming.

According to estimates, the meteorologist has heated a little more than one degree in the last hundred years. Warming of climate zones shifted by one degree per hundred kilometers. The forested area is now almost entirely removed from Belarus. Gradually become the steppe of the region of Poltava and Cherkasy. The subtropical semi-desert becomes southern regions. According to meteorological forecasts, the average temperature in Ukraine will increase by one degree over the next 15 years.

According to meteorological forecasts, the summer will be very hot and prolonged, while the winter months will be warmer, without severe frosts. According to the most pessimistic forecasts, in a few decades, the glaciers will be completely melted and completely flooded. This will be half of the Crimean Peninsula, the Azov Sea, as well as that of Kherson and Odessa.

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