Scientists predict that "hurricane of dark matter" will collide with Earth


View of the galaxy of the Milky Way with the Great Magellanic Cloud at the bottom right and the Galaxy Antilla 2 at the top left

View of the galaxy of the Milky Way with the Great Magellanic Cloud at the bottom right and the Galaxy Antilla 2 at the top left

The physics of the APS made several statements and one of them noted that these stars are supposed to be the remains of the dwarf galaxy that disappeared at one point in the galaxy's way Milky in a billion years.

The discovery of Antlia 2 calls into question current models of galaxy formation. Nicknamed Antlia 2 (or Ant 2), the galaxy is remarkably weak, but is only about 130,000 light-years away from our galaxy.

The global team, including many astronomers from the University of Cambridge, discovered the low galaxy by examining Gaia's telescope data.

However, despite its size, Antlia 2 emits little light. One of the reasons this giant galaxy has been hidden so long is that it emits little light; Ant 2 is 10,000 times weaker than the Great Magellan Cloud. Researchers from the University of Zaragoza, King's College London and the United Kingdom's Institute of Astronomy study a star flow left by a dwarf spheroidal galaxy devoured by the Way a long time ago.

A team of astronomers added that an incredibly fast dark matter hurricane would hit the ground as it headed for the Milky Way.

ESA's Gaia mission has provided the most extravagant star list to date, including high-precision estimates of nearly 1.7 billion stars and highlighting points of interest. The already discreet interest of our world of origin. When structures emerged at the beginning of the Universe, the dwarves were the first galaxies to form. Most of their stars are therefore aged, of low mass and poor in metals.

They were lucky because in 2017, a star satellite called S1 was discovered by the European satellite Gaia. In the first months of this year, the second set of data obtained by Gaia was shared with scientists from different countries. This new dataset has provided information on details of the Milky Way that were not available before.

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Gaia's precision measurements provided researchers with data on metal-poor RR Lyrae stars, a type of small, old, regularly-beating star whose brightness changes every 12 hours or so, Astronomy Now reported.

Here again, the properties of the delicate "black matter", thought to keep the worlds together, could be reconsidered.

"It's a ghost of a galaxy," said Gabriel Torrealba, principal author of the document describing the discovery, published on November 9.

Boasting a mass well below that expected for an object of this size, Ant 2 is probably being separated by the galactic tides of the Milky Way.

What remains unexplained is the giant size of the object, says astronomer Sergey Koposov of Carnegie Mellon University.

"Compared to the rest of the sixty or so satellites of the Milky Way, Ant 2 is a funny head," said co-author Matthew Walker, an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University. The current theory claiming that black matter is tightly packed at the center of the galaxies does not seem to apply to the recently discovered ghost dwarf. "We wonder if this galaxy is only the tip of an iceberg".

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