Scientists report the discovery of a new region of the human brain


Weighing only around 1300 grams and measuring about 15 centimeters For a long time, the human brain is not the largest organ of our body, but as we see it over and over, it is the hardest to understand.

The massive Human Connectome Brain Mapping Business, as well as the emphasis on research projects on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities mimicking brain neurons, are two proofs of this.

It seems that every day scientists discover new functional aspects of the brain or new areas of the brain that we did not know existed.

Now, a team of neuroscientists from Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) thinks they have found a new region of the human brain.

What's in a name?

The team, led by renowned neuroscientist George Paxinos, described the new region as an endorestiform nucleus because its nucleus, located at the meeting point of the brain and spinal cord, rests within the inferior or restiform cerebellar peduncle.

The neuron beam is responsible for transmitting a range of sensory and kinetic information important for coordinated movements.

Neuroscientists report the discovery of a new region of the human brain
The many components of brain mapping Source: NEURA

As Paxinos explains to Scientific alert"The lower cerebellar peduncle is like a river that carries information from the spinal cord and brainstem to the cerebellum.The endorestiform nucleus is a group of neurons that resembles an island in this river."

To achieve the results, Paxinos led his team in brain imaging using an improved staining technique.

The chemicals produced in the brain being directly targeted, the team was able to get a clearer picture of the cells in operation in different parts of the brain.

Both discovery and accident, the team was finally able to confirm the core endorestiform through an innovative technique.

Below is a video describing the extensive work of Paxinos and his team at NeuRA which led to the discovery:

A paid intuition

Perhaps the most fascinating part of the research, as Paxinos explains at Athens-Macedonian News Agency, is it suspected decades earlier that this area of ​​the brain existed, with many clues over the years confirm it.

This indicates that he has patiently pursued other research projects until improved methods and technologies offer him a better chance of allowing him to test the theory:

"There is nothing more pleasant for a neuroscientist than to discover a region of the human brain hitherto unknown, which is important because this region is absent in monkeys and other animals. There must be elements of the human brain size, and this area is probably one of them.

What remains to be done, is to determine the function of this newly discovered brain region. Now that it has been mapped, it will be possible to study it by the wider research community, "he concluded.

The details of the study appear in a pre-evaluated form in a forthcoming book of neuroanatomy written by Paxinos and titled Human brainstem: Cytoarchitecture, Chemoarchitecture, Myeloarchitecture.

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