Scientists say genomic study could help cure diabetes


Washington: It turns out that the study of all genes at the DNA, mRNA and proteome levels, as well as at the cellular or tissue level or simply at the 39, genomic study, can help cure type 2 diabetes.

Most patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are treated with a "single" protocol that is not adapted to the physiology of each person and can leave many cases poorly managed.

A new study by Harvard University scientists has indicated that inherited genetic modifications may underlie the variability observed in clinical patients, as several pathophysiological processes can lead to elevated glucose levels and its consequences.

By analyzing genomic data with a computer tool that integrates genetic complexity, the researchers identified five distinct groups of DNA sites that appear to drive distinct forms of the disease in a unique way.

The work was the first step towards using genetics to identify subtypes of type 2 diabetes, which could help doctors prescribe interventions aimed at the cause of the disease rather than the symptoms.

"In treating type 2 diabetes, we can use a dozen drugs, but after launching the standard algorithm, it's primarily a trial and error," said lead author Jose Florez. "We need a more granular approach that addresses the many molecular processes leading to high blood sugar."

It is known that type 2 diabetes can be broadly grouped according to the inability of pancreatic beta cells to produce enough insulin, called insulin deficiency, or the insufficiency of insulin known as resistance. to insulin.

Previous research has attempted to define more subtypes of type 2 diabetes based on indicators such as beta cell function, insulin resistance or body mass index, but these characteristics may vary. considerably over the course of life. Heritable genetic differences are present at birth and a more reliable method would be to create subtypes based on DNA variations associated with the risk of diabetes in large-scale genetic studies. These variations can be grouped into clusters based on their impact on the characteristics related to diabetes. For example, genetic modifications linked to high levels of triglycerides are likely to function according to the same biological processes.

Early efforts to achieve this using a "hard grappling" approach, in which each genetic variation was assigned to a single group. However, this failed to produce models that had biological meaning.

The researchers then applied a so-called "soft-clustering" approach known as non-negative Bayesian matrix factorization, which allows each variant to fall into several groups.
"The clustering method is better for studying complex diseases, in which genetic sites linked to the disease can regulate not one gene or process, but several," said Udler, a researcher.

The new work revealed five groups of genetic variants distinguished by distinct underlying cellular processes, within the main existing divisions of insulin-resistant and insulin-deficient diseases. Two of these clusters contain variants that suggest that beta cells do not work properly, but their effects on insulin precursor levels, proinsulin, differ. The other three clusters contain DNA variants related to insulin resistance, including a cluster-mediated obesity, one characterized by a disruption of fat metabolism in the body. liver and lipodystrophy.

To confirm these observations, the team analyzed data for research in biology and diseases. They found that the genes in the groups were more active in the types of tissue that could be expected.

To further test whether the correct biological mechanism had been assigned to each group, researchers collected data from four independent cohorts of patients with type 2 diabetes and first calculated the individual genetic risk scores of patients with type 2 diabetes. patients for each group. They found that nearly one-third of patients had a high score for only one predominant group, suggesting that their diabetes could be dominated by a single biological mechanism.

When they then analyzed measures of diabetes-related characteristics in high score subjects, they observed patterns that strongly reflected the suspected biological mechanism and distinguished them from all other patients with type 2 diabetes. have indeed been found to have increased body mass index and body fat percentage.

The results appear to reflect some of the diversity observed by the clinic's endocrinologists. For example, people with a high score in the lipodystrophy-type group were probably thinner than average but had insulin-resistant diabetes, similar to a rare type of diabetes in which fats accumulate in the liver. resistance that results from obesity.

"The clusters in our study seem to summarize what we observe in clinical practice," said Florez. "Now we need to determine whether these clusters translate into differences in disease progression, complications, and response to treatment."

The results were published in the Journal of PLOS Medicine.

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