Scientists say that the mysterious object 'Oumuamua & # 39; could be an extraterrestrial spaceship


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By David Freeman

Maybe it's an extraterrestrial spaceship.

Scientists are puzzled over Oumuamua since this mysterious space object rocked under the sun late in 2017. Given its high speed and unusual trajectory, the red frame or stadium size clearly came from the 39 outside our solar system. . But its flattened, elongated shape and its acceleration through the solar system distinguish it from asteroids and classical comets.

Two Harvard researchers now evoke the possibility that Oumuamua is an extraterrestrial spacecraft. As they say in an article to be published Nov. 12 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, the "object" could be a fully operational probe, intentionally sent to the vicinity of the Earth by an extraterrestrial civilization. "

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