Scientists say Vesuvius blew people's heads


A team of archaeologists discovered the eruption of ascend Vesuvius burned bodies faster than a crematorium.

When you die, you want to go fast. But maybe not as fast as people killed by Vesuvius.

cranial explosions

Scientists say that skull fractures on the recovered skeletons of Herculanum show signs of "skull explosion".

Pierpaolo Petrone et al./Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Modena

According to a new research report published by a team of Italian archaeologists, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD generated extreme heat that caused the victims' skulls to explode, their blood in boiling and rapid formation of their muscles, their flesh and their brains. replaced by ashes.

By conducting new investigations into the skeletal remains of those who died in Herculaneum, a city obliterated by the volcanic eruption four miles from Mount Vesuvius, scientists gained insight into how the people died.

It was fast, but it was not nice.

The team found evidence of "rapid spraying of bodily fluids" and "boiling blood," as well as fractures similar to those found in cremated bones, indicating that the victims had undergone a "repetitive explosion of the skull".

They also found evidence of "very fast replacement of flesh with ash".

The bodies exposed to extreme heat often end up in a so-called "pugilist attitude", where the limbs fold back because of the muscular contraction that gives the body position of a fighter boxer. But according to the researchers, Herculaneum skeletal remains indicate that their muscles have "disappeared" faster than bodies burning in a crematorium.

It is this combination of bone fissure, skull burst, boiling of blood and transformation of flesh into ashes which, according to the researchers, led to "instant death".

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