Scientists set a plan for the "Igloo base" for the first inhabited Mars mission


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A team of EFPL scientists has come up with exactly what would be needed for a research base on the Red Planet – and developed plans for a Martian base.

The researchers believe that the poles would be the best place to build a base, because the traces of life are probably in the "layer deposits" of ice and dust near the poles.

"The poles can be more problematic at first, but they are the best location in the long run because they are home to natural resources that we can use," says Anne-Marlene Rüede, lead author of the study.

The project was designed by EFPL scientists (EFPL)

The EPFL scientists' strategy is to send a six-person team to the North Pole in Mars during the polar summer, to take advantage of the 288 days of continuous light and then bring them back safely to Earth. T

First, the robots would be sent to build a minimal living space for the crew and test the natural resources available on the site.

Then the crew would be brought.


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This approach would minimize the payload that space shuttles should carry and make the mission as safe as possible for crew members. However, the engineers have not yet developed rockets capable of handling 110 tons of material.

The plan is to make maximum use of the natural resources found on Mars, first and foremost water. The discovery of ice at the poles means that the base could theoretically produce water, oxygen, and nitrogen – compounds essential to human life.

Other chemicals found in Mars air (especially CO2) and soil (such as silicon, iron, aluminum and sulfur) could be used to make materials such as All this would make the base autonomous long-term research.

The plan was developed by a team of EFPL scientists

But in the first place, vital resources such as food and energy will have to be transported from the Earth. These could include freeze-dried foods, a thorium reactor and batteries.

The three capsules would be built around minimal living space and serve as airlock between this space and the outside.

The robots would create these structures during the first phase of the mission. The dome would cover the entire base and would be made of polyethylene fibers covered with an ice layer three meters thick, thus creating a kind of igloo.

The dome would also represent an extra living space, provide a second barrier to protect the crew from radiation and micrometeorites, and help keep the pressure constant inside the base.

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