Scientists take a picture of a young planet that only ages 5-6 million years


The photo you see here is significant. Scientists say that it is the very first direct image of the birth of a planet that is still forming around a star. It is said that the planet is very young at only 5-6 million years old. This may seem trivial for us, but the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

Despite its young age, the planet is massive and reputed to be several times the size of Jupiter. This size is difficult to understand, but consider that Jupiter could contain 1,300 lands and you start to see how massive the new planet is. This planet is nicknamed PDS 70B and this rather boring name is derived from the name of the star that it orbits, which is PDS 70.

The images of the planet have been published this week and have been taken using the Very Large Telescope in Chile. This telescope has the ability to combine images of the four most advanced telescopes on the planet. Scientists have theorized that planets are formed by putting young stars into orbit and collecting materials in the clouds of gas and dust around the star.

The orbit of the PDS 70B is very slow. This is the first time that a photo of the development process of a planet has been taken. Scientists were particularly shocked by the clarity of the photo

Project scientists say it's important to understand how the planets formed in our own solar system. Studying how planets form in other solar systems is the best way to understand the process.


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