Scientists: the aliens have a substance similar to that of the human race


Extraterrestrials can be in a state of weightlessness, move freely in any space and have a similar substance in humans, say scientists.

Description: Инопланетяне имеют похожую субстанцию, что и человеческая раса

According to scientists, the main reason humanity has still not found aliens is that they are similar in appearance and have the same standards for the human body: a set of organs, blood and nervous system, respiratory organs and vision. , hear and feel.

Some differences with our race are the extraterrestrials, not the laws of physics. They can move freely in a state of weightlessness, without succumbing to gravity and without attraction. As the body of the stranger is outside the earthly matter, he is able to travel considerable distances from one planet to another in a more accelerated time for a few minutes, than man in a few decades -light.

The extraterrestrials came from another world and can live among us, say the ufologists. Highlighting the difference between the human race and the extraterrestrial is almost impossible.

Experts suggest that extraterrestrials can not only fly, but disappear and reappear and cross obstacles. How dangerous terrestrial communication with an extraterrestrial race, can show that time. According to some scientists do not rule out that some serious diseases, such as AIDS, cancer, plague and cholera, can be attributed to the introduction into the life of the Earth of foreign creatures.

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