Scientists were able to grow retina


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Scientists working at Johns Hopkins University in the United States were able to artificially grow the retina of the human eye. To do this, the scientists took nine months, reported the online edition of Science, reports our website.

According to scientists, this achievement will help professionals explore the cones, allowing the human eye to see the colors, but also to see the light of day. We will recall that previously had produced a study on animal eyes, the results of which showed that one of the most important components for the development of normal vision are thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. Biologists have successfully added this hormone to the culture medium of the retina, where they were grown. This greatly contributed to the maturation of the cones. The resulting sample perceives the color perfectly and is also able to convey the necessary information to the nerve cells.

Earlier, it was reported that scientists from St. Petersburg managed to grow artificial meat. This product can also be called either because it has been grown in the laboratory from cells that had not been part of the animal before. According to scientists, the cultivation of artificial meat as well as the establishment of its subsequent mass production will help avoid potential food shortages amidst the threat of food crisis.

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