Scientists were able to suppress the birth of double stars


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The two celestial objects are so close to each other that they appeared in "the trap of the death spiral".Scientists at the Palomar Observatory have witnessed the strange death of large stars, which originated from a dual system of neutron stars. The birth of double stars was recorded for the first time, writes in reference to Around the World

A huge star has turned into a surprisingly weak supernova on the periphery of a spiral galaxy located at a distance of 920 million light years from Earth. Astronomers believe that the dying star had an invisible companion, who had stolen much of his material before the explosion.

Scientists believe that a new neutron star and his companion are too close to each other and eventually merge. The fusion of neutron stars causes undulations in the space-time continuum, called gravitational waves.

"We witnessed the explosion of a huge star, but a lot of plasma," says study author Muncie Kasliwal. – Astronomers call such ultraradical supernova stars, their existence has been predicted for a long time.

Astronomers believe that the mass of the star has been stolen by the compact star that accompanies it – a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.

Supernova explosions – the source of heavy metals in the Universe: gold, platinum, lead or uranium.

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