Scott Disick denies wanting to have more children with Kourtney Kardashian


Scott Disick may not be keen to be a father of four after all.

During the episode of Sunday night The amazing Kardashian family on E!, Scott denied Kim Kardashian West's claim that he was hoping to have a fourth child with Kourtney Kardashian, his ex and the mother of his three children.

"No, it's not true," said the 35-year-old reality star who wanted to have a fourth child after having already been the father of Mason, 8, of Penelope, 6, and Reign, 3 years.

He also discussed the matter more with Kourtney's other sister, Khloe Kardashian.

"No, it was more in keeping with her way of saying how boring Kourtney was and if she did anything, she would have another child with you," Scott explained about Kim, 37 years old, he said. . When a family member is super passionate about something, you just have to pretend that you are, even if you do not know what they are really talking about. "

The drama began when Kim said that Scott had told him that he wanted another baby. Kim decided that she needed the family's involvement to handle the situation, so she sent an email to the group with her news. She accidentally left Kourtney in the e-mail, who was not very happy that Kim involved him.

"Honestly, I do not even want to watch it after all the email," Kourtney, 39, told her mom, Kris Jenner and Khloe.

"I do not think she wants to hurt you," said Kris, 62 years old. "I think she communicates differently."

"Do not say anything, because there is someone in this situation who is right and who is wrong, you will not try to make everything the same," Kourtney replied. "… she did something really nasty, stabbing her back and hurting her .. Going behind someone's back?" That's not okay, it's not nasty. is not something that I will accept in my life. "

At the end of the episode, Scott revealed that Kim had twisted his words and promised Kourtney that he "would not call your family and tell him I wanted to knock you out."

The former couple seems to be on good terms after the tense episode, as they were spotted in New York over the weekend with their kids. The couple was probably in New York to support Kim's husband, Kanye West, who played on Saturday Night Live. Meanwhile, Scott's girlfriend Sofia Richie was at the poolside in Malibu, California.

Scott's and Sofia's relationship caused a little more drama with Kourtney. Watch the video below to see why Scott recently had to apologize to the mother of his children:

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