Scott Pruitt, former E.P.A. Chef, is in discussion for his next job: coal consultant


Separately on Wednesday, the E.P.A. released a long-deferred financial disclosure report for Mr. Pruitt for 2017. This period includes the time Mr. Pruitt was living in a Capitol Hill condominium that he rented to the spouse of an energy lobbyist. for $ 50 a night, an arrangement that triggered one of the many investigations into his actions and his supervision within the agency.

The 2017 financial reporting form does not state the Capitol Hill condo as a gift, a measure that some have suggested to Mr. Pruitt, according to the widely held view that he would pay below the value merchant of the unit. (Previously, Mr. Pruitt had denied the existence of an arrangement of less than market value.)

At the time Mr. Pruitt was lobbied by the wife of condo co-owner J. Steven Hart. Until this year, Mr. Hart was president of the lobbying firm Williams & Jensen.

The form seems to indirectly deal with the condo issue. The document states that Mr. Pruitt was aware of allegations that "certain actions or activities in 2017" could constitute gifts that should be included in the disclosure report. "To the extent that I am aware of specific allegations, I dispute the facts invoked and, therefore, I am not aware of any gifts to declare," the document says. "In the event that there are future findings, I will deal with the matter at that time and amend this report as directed and / or necessary."

Mr. Pruitt could not be reached for comment and Ms. Mitchell did not respond to questions regarding the former director's financial report.

BothFinancial report 017 (which covers only last year and not the one in 2018 when Mr. Pruitt was still at the head of the EPA) also shows that Pruitt's wife, Marlyn Pruitt, won between 15,000 and 50 $ 000 as a consultant. During his stay at the agency, Mr. Pruitt had asked senior aides to help his wife find a job as a consultant, which helped her find a paid job for a group. conservative judiciary and a non-profit organization in New York.

Mr. Pruitt's requests to staff members to help his wife find work are being investigated on her management of the E.P.A .; ask federal government assistance to help with personal financial issues may be a violation of federal rules.

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