Scottish scientists set new scale for alien contact


Scottish scientists revisited the scale of scoring space signals from extraterrestrials.

A team of international researchers, led by researchers from the University of St Andrews and the SETI (Mountain Warfare Research Institute) Mountain View, California, is redefining the Rio Scale – the extraterrestrial detection scale.

Developed in 2001, the scale is a tool used by astronomers in search of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) and gives a score between zero and ten, so that the public can quickly see to how important a signal is

The review aims to bring consensus across academic disciplines, classifying signals potentially indicating the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life.

The scale measures the consequences for humans. extraterrestrials, as well as the probability that the signal really comes from extraterrestrials and is not a natural or human phenomenon.

Dr. Duncan Forgan, Senior Research Scientist at the University's Exoplanet Science Center, said: "It is absolutely crucial that when we talk about something as important as the discovering intelligent life, we do it clearly and carefully.

Dr. Forgan added, "Having Rio 2.0 allows us to classify a signal quickly in a way that the general public can easily understand, and helps us to keep their confidence in a world filled with false news. "

The new Rio L 'scale has now been submitted to the Standing Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics on SETI for official ratification. [19659003] Jill Tarter, co-founder of the SETI Institute, who is a key entrepreneur of NASA and the National Science Foundation, said: "The whole world knows the Richter scale to quantify the severity from an earthquake; This number is reported immediately after an earthquake and refined further as the data is consolidated.

"The SETI community is trying to create a scale that can accompany reports of any detection of extraterrestrial intelligence and be refined over time.the data becomes available."

"This scale should translate to the times the importance and credibility of the claimed detection.

"Rio 2.0 is an attempt to update the scale to make it more useful and compatible with current modes of information dissemination, in addition to providing the public with the means to become familiar with with this ladder. "

was submitted to the Standing Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics on SETI for official ratification.

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