Sea lice reported along the Florida beaches: What you need to know


A pesky marine creature has appeared on some beaches in Florida.

Pensacola is currently flying purple flags, indicating the presence of a potentially dangerous marine life, after reports of sea lice in the water. Lice have not been reported on other beaches of the Gulf Coast; Panama City, Destin and Gulf Shores are all yellow flags, indicating the presence of potentially dangerous surf, but not dangerous marine animals.

Sea lice are not lice at all – they are miniature jellyfish larvae. Marine pests are commonly found in the warm waters of the Caribbean and the Gulf Coast of Florida between April and July. Fish lice sting when they get stuck between the skin and a swimsuit and bites can cause red rash and small blisters, according to the Florida Department of Public Health.

In some cases, people may experience a serious reaction, including fever, chills, headaches, and nausea.

Symptoms usually appear four to six hours after leaving the water and can last up to two weeks. Treatment usually includes antihistamines and medications to reduce itching. The National Institute of Health also recommends the application of vinegar on the skin to prevent further bites.

Avoid sea lice

The Florida Department of Public Health has some tips for avoiding sea lice:

Pay attention to flags and avoid water if sea lice are present and you are particularly susceptible to skin irritation

Avoid wearing a one – piece t – shirt or swimsuit in the ocean to limit the surface that might trap the larvae.

After leaving the water, change swimsuits as soon as possible. After removing your swimsuit, take a shower with hot water. Do not shower in a swimsuit that has been exposed to sea lice. Showering with cool water while wearing a contaminated swimsuit could cause a discharge of nematocysts trapped in the fabric of the suit.

Wash your swimsuit thoroughly with a detergent, then use the heat to dry it. Drying in the air is not enough – a dryer is needed to make sure the lice are dead.

There are over-the-counter medications that would help repel sea lice.

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