Seahawks change, but more points in the defeat of 27-24 in opening match


The more things change, well …

The Seahawks have launched eight new players in defense over their first game of 2017, 12 months ago. They had new attack and defense coordinators, promising new ways to play, especially by returning to the race to lead the offensive and control games.

Yet, in the first game of 2018, things stayed the same.

The Broncos have sacked Russell Wilson six times, half of which have been changed by All-Pro Von Miller, and Seattle had only 64 yards on the floor with just seven spans in 55 games. running back Chris Carson.

That's why Earl Thomas's interception four days after his return, two other steals from Bradley McDougald, a 34-year-old take-off from Brandon Marshall in his Seattle debut and Tyler Lockett's takeover at the start of the season. 'year. The fourth quarter was not enough to prevent the Seahawks from losing 27-24 Sunday in Denver.

Even worse, Doug Baldwin, the Seattle-wide Pro Bowl catcher, came out in the first half with an injury right now and came back. It's the opposite of the left knee that prevented Baldwin from getting out of the pre-season.

Sea halfback Shaquill and linebacker Shaquem Griffin became the first twins to play as teammates in a 90-year-old NFL regular season game. The last teammates of the NFL were Earl and Myrl Goodwin, in attack with the Pottsville Marons in 1928.

The Griffin family has seen the story.

Bht Austin Calitro started entering for Shaquem Griffin at the linebacker in the second quarter early in the session.

Thomas was on what coach Pete Carroll likes to call "pitch count" in his first game since December, and after three practice sessions since December last week after ending his contract. Thomas was absent for the start of only two discs in the game, one for each half. The sophomore, Tedric Thompson, replaced him every time.

Denver scored touchdowns and touchdowns on both discs Thomas was starting to start.

The second time, Thomas came back in the match after the Broncos had rolled without him at 36. The starting quarterbacks of Case Denver Case Keenum drove right and threw Demaryius Thomas on the right touchline in the end zone. . Thomas's toes in his right hold appeared on the demarcation line, which is why the field official initially reported an incomplete pass. After being consulted, officials changed this decision into a touchdown.

The replay was inconclusive, allowing the call on the ground to remain on a touchdown. If the initial appeal had been incomplete, Seattle would have remained in the lead after review. Instead, the Seahawks followed 27-24.

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Miller won his third bag, and Denver, the sixth, on a third and three-three minutes from the end, when Wilson turned around and entered the Super Bowl MVP linebacker in 2015. Seattle's outstanding rookie Michael Dickson, who had a 69-yard offside kick earlier, was able to put Denver to the test 19.

Then, the Broncos brought fast and fast great running back Royce Freeman, of Oregon, like a hammer rested; he sat most of the third quarter for this narrower role. His defeats led Denver to the Seahawks at age 39 and forced Seattle to use all his idle time.

In the first quarter of his first match in nine months, Thomas had baited Keenum from midfield, showing that Demaryius Thomas had opened the hash mark before Thomas rushed for an interception.

In the next game, Wilson threw 15 yards on the left for a touchdown at the end of the rookie Will Dissly's end.

The former defensive lineman at the University of Washington set a Seahawks record by a player in his first game with 105 passing yards in the first period.

Seattle took the lead in two games in the fourth quarter.

The new offensive coordinator, Brian Schottenheimer, had been out of Wilson all day outside of the Denver Rally, before launching the same direction. Then, in the second game of the fourth period, Schottenheimer brought Wilson back to the right, but this time, he remained across the field and against the tide. Lockett was open from Denver to Seattle for the 51-yard touchdown and the Seahawks were 24-20.

The defense with eight new starters who were not there for the first game of 2017, 12 months ago, allowed Denver to go up 297 yards in the first half with only 17-10 with two Keenum interceptions.

But Seattle then kept the Broncos 31 yards in the third. That's when the Seahawks tied the game, on a Wilson pass and a 20-yard touchdown pass on a Brandon Marshall improv track.

Denver responded to this note from his former receiver by intercepting Russell Wilson on the 35-yard Seattl line late in the third quarter. Wilson's bad pass on the third run was not high enough on a fade out of the Marshall 6-5.

Denver converted to a 53-yard field goal by Brandon McManus for a 20-17 lead.

The semifinal ended with Seattle leading the turnarounds created 2-0, but in the 17th minute. This indicates how badly the Seahawks played. Turning eight defensive linemen in the first series, they generated a smooth defeat of quarterback Case Keenum, who debuted for Denver. It was even a few times that they criticized linebacker Bobby Wagner and others.

The Broncos have sensibly targeted the two Seattle rookies in their first NFL games.

Griffin covered tight end Matt LaCosse to force an incomplete pass and a Denver kick to end the opening of the game. But later in the first quarter, the Broncos isolated Griffin and rookie Tre Flowers, starting at turn right, crossing two receivers in front of the children of the Seahawks. Both followed the inner receiver. Nobody covered Phillip Lindsay in the left turn near the sideline. Lindsay was alone for a 29-yard tie.

The Seahawks allowed 297 yards in the first half. It was more than they had allowed in the first half of last season. Seattle allowed 281 yards in the first two quarters of a home loss to Houston at the end of October.

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