Seahawks lose match (and identity) to Chargers


The Seahawks could not run the ball consistently, force interceptions or convert to the third try on Sunday. In other words, they did not follow the formula that had motivated their recent success.

When the Seahawks win, they run the football. Control of the game with the physicality. They do not allow big games. They intercept the opposing quarterback. They do not commit expensive penalties. They do not throw the ball to the other team. They convert to the third descent, then they align and do it again.

When the Seahawks win – and they have won a lot of time recently – they follow a well-established formula. They embrace a specific identity.

This team and this identity did not show up at CenturyLink Field on Sunday.

"It's a tough match, given the kind of football we play," said left tackle Duane Brown after the match. Seahawks win 25-17 win against Los Angeles Chargers 6-2. "I think we escaped that on the offensive side. So we have to come back to our identity and what we know and prepare for another great match this week. "


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Let us count all the ways in which these Seahawks deviate from what made them the most effective. In the first game, for example, Seattle climbed the 13 games with the Chargers, which earned him 75 yards. That resulted in a 10-yard touchdown, Jaron Brown. The Seahawks ran nine times for 45 yards – falling forward, imposing their will, according to this familiar formula.

In the 11 orders that followed, the Seahawk half handled 68 rushing yards and 3.8 rushing yards. It's the same offense that averaged 173 rushing yards and 4.8 rushing yards in his previous four games.

Part of this drop in production can be attributed to staff, as starting half Chris Carson did not play in the second half because of a hip injury and right-hand man DJ Fluker did not play finished the game because of a calf problem.

But there was no excuse in the Sunday locker room.

Many questions, and not as many answers, but no apologies.

"It was like we were not clicking as much as we should. In other games, we usually click more, "said attacking Mike Davis, sitting in a whisper, sitting without a shirt in front of his locker. "Today, just with the penalties, I think it shot us (in the foot)."

Oh, and speaking of penalties, the Seahawks arrived at the office Sunday after averaging 7.4 of those in seven games this season. They were scored 10 times for 83 yards in defeat, repeatedly deflating records and causing sporadic shouts from their supporters.

Add punitive penalties to an erratic racing game, and what do you get? An offense that only converted 4 out of 15 (after converting 59.5% of them in their previous three games).

"We are behind the stick today, and that has not happened for about a month," said Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll. "I think we had four or five thirds and twelve plus or minus. It changes everything. That's not how we play.

It was the dark choir of the Seahawks on Sunday. They did not manage to be intercepted after claiming 10 in their first seven games. Quarterback Russell Wilson, who has thrown 11 touchdowns and one interception in his last five games, has made a fourth quarter pick and missed several open receivers. Tyler Lockett's series of three-game passes broke unceremoniously. An offensive line that had not allowed more than two sacks in its previous five games has capitulated four times Sunday.

In short, it was the Seahawks of Bizarro. The neglected Seahawks. Seahawks looking for 7-9.

It was not the same Seahawks who had just won four of their last five games.

"I feel we have our identity," insisted defenseman Frank Clark, who earned another bag to bring his total to 7.5. "We are a difficult team. We are great when we want to be. We simply can not be lax.

"These are the keys. I feel we are in a good place. We just have to believe in ourselves and believe in each other. "

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