Sean & # 39; Diddy & # 39; Combs is again looking for his family Amish Fresh Air | Local news


Where did music mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs get his Ciroc vodka with black raspberry perfume?

Berry picking with the Amish.

This is the story he told Ellen DeGeneres, talk show host, on Thursday for the second time in three months that Combs was relying on his three-year summer as a Fresh Air child in Lancaster County.

"Oh, oh, wait, I'm really serious!" Combs told members of the studio audience who sneered with disbelief. "I was on horseback and in a carriage and all!"

Combs then listed things that he did not have access to the Amish home – electricity and television to start – first of all, there was no phone either.

"I could not talk to my mother (while he was with the Amish family) .I know she was cool with that," he admitted, "(but) I do not have it. was not! "

Instead, Combs told DeGeneres that the kids would be sent to pick raspberries or black raspberries to pass the time.

Last August, Combs told his summers to Lancaster during an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live".

Combs talked to facilitator Kimmel about his travels with the Fresh Air Fund, a non-profit organization that offers children from low-income families in New York City free travel to live with families in New York. more rural areas. the

The conversation began after Combs had told Kimmel that her own daughter had not enjoyed her stay at the summer camp because she did not have her bed.

"She had no bed," says Combs. "I had no light, electricity or car."

The rapper said that he had helped the Amish family work on the farm, from milking cows to picking berries. He said that he had boarded a carriage and remembered having had sumptuous meals after the church.

"It's beautiful – it's a chance, a time to really escape," said Combs. "No electronics. This really teaches you how to relate to each other."

The 48-year-old father of six said he wanted a way to connect with the family.

"I had no way of keeping in touch with them," said Combs. "I'm serious – I'm thinking of them all the time, dude, I wonder if they knew what I grew up, but I do not think they did." "

The farmer whose family has housed Combs does not wish to be named, but agreed to speak to TNL on condition of anonymity. He added that the family had recent contacts with the sister of Combs, Keisha. She also stayed with the family while she was a child at Fresh Air on their farm in Lancaster County, in the east of the country.

"Unexpectedly, she contacted us and she visited," he said. "And we were very happy that she did it.

"If (Combs) wants to contact us," added the farmer, his sister would be able to provide the information.

Lancaster Fresh Air representatives Barbara Horst and Juanita Horst both confirmed that the host family was not interested in advertising.

"Even if they like to do something for children, they do not do it" to attract attention, said Barbara Horst. She added that, as the family had welcomed other children as part of the Fresh Air program, they did not want to draw attention to a former guest.

Combs, in his interview with Kimmel, said he was indebted to the Fresh Air fund.

"It's one of the things that helped make me what I am," said Combs.

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