Sean Gunn, one of the Guardians of the Galaxy, says that Disney intends to use James Gunn's script for Vol. 3


Months after Marvel Studios and Disney chose to fire James Gunn as director of Guardians of the Galaxy frankly there are still a lot of questions about the fate of the third movie in the series. Now, one of the stars of the movie can have at least one of the answers.

In an interview with Tulsa World, Sean Gunn, who is both James Gunn's brother, plays Kraglin and provides the Rocket moves in the movies, admitted that he did not know what was going on with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3but that he knows that they intend to use his brother's script.

"I do not really know what's going on with Guardians 3"Gunn said." I know that Disney always wants to do the movie. I know that they have every intention of using the script that my brother wrote. Obviously, it was a very unfortunate situation for everyone, especially for him, but I'm also someone who was preparing to spend half a year doing this film and now he's in outstanding. "

Back in August, reports guardians Star Dave Bautista (Drax) told the Jonathan Ross Show that the film was suspended indefinitely, essentially confirming rumors that the film's production had been delayed. At that point, many fans wondered if this meant the movie was completely offside, but according to Gunn, it was not the case and he was even contacted by Marvel.

"Obviously, I think it's a delicate proposition for them to find another director – and planning for a lot of other actors who are incredibly busy can not be easy," Gunn said. "But I know they're planning to do the film, I have not been contacted at all for a while, but I've been recently contacted by Marvel to say," Yes, we intend to make this movie. . Yet & # 39; "

Gunn also said that in the end, what matters most is that the film is made in such a way that fans are not disappointed – and noted that fans do not care not the controversy that led to his dismissal.

"Honestly, that's what I cared about most," he says. "I do not want fans to be deprived of something that they really like and that they really want to. I'm going, and I'm doing these conventions and a really striking thing for me .. the fans are basically divided into two camps, a group that supports my brother a lot and who is sad or angry about what happened, and the other half are people who do not know and who do not care, they just want to see the movie. "

These fans will probably have to wait a moment to see it as it is. The film was originally planned for 2020, but it is now unlikely that the film will arrive as planned and it is unclear when the film will actually go into production.

What do you think of Disney that wants to go ahead with Gunn's script? Let us know in the comments below.

To date, Disney and Marvel have yet to find a replacement for Gunn as director of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which was originally scheduled to arrive in 2020.

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