Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici revealed that their son was hospitalized in a heartbreaking Instagram – PHOTO


Bachelor Nation, your prayers are needed right now. Sean Lowe and Catherine Guidici revealed that their son, Isaiah, had been hospitalized in the intensive care unit and was battling bronchiolitis in an emotional message posted on Instagram. according to PeopleThe couple took their five-month-old son to the doctor on Friday, Nov. 2, after he had a severe cough, and he was admitted to the USI shortly thereafter.

"In short, we took our little guy to the pediatrician yesterday for a severe cough that he developed and found himself in the pediatric intensive care unit," revealed Lowe in an article moving social media, in which The child was connected to various machines to monitor his health.

Lowe went on: "We are still here and will probably stay for a few more days, Isaiah has bronchiolitis, and her small body is having trouble getting enough oxygen. the doctors and nurses have been great and we are just very grateful for taking him to the doctor and we are confident that he will be fine, but prayers are always welcome. "

Guidici has republished the Instagram photo and her husband's legend, adding the emoji of prayer hands to her own message.

The couple – who fell in love with season 17 of The single person Back in 2012 and married two years later on national television, baby Isaiah Hendrix was back in May. The couple is also the father of two-year-old Samuel Thomas, born in July 2016.

Having a son in the hospital is clearly an extremely stressful and stressful time for all parents, and Lowe and Giudici have often talked about the importance of parenting and growing their family for them. In June, Giudici even published a first tribute to Lowe at Father's Day, to celebrate his love for the father and his supportive partner throughout the year.

"This man has been extremely patient, attentive and loving towards me and our boys since I was pregnant with Isaiah," Giudici told a nice photo of Lowe cradling Isaiah, a newborn at the time. . "Father's day is Sunday, but I really appreciate everything he does for us every day, the guy you witnessed on The bachelorette, this kind, respectful and warm is always present, but this time, I'm the only woman in his life and he makes sure to know it every day. "

In June, Lowe said People that he finds "so much pride in fatherhood" after the birth of Isaiah. And one of the things he loved most as a father of two was to see how much his eldest son, Samuel, enjoyed being a big brother.

"Samuel constantly wants to kiss him and Isaiah stays there and takes it and never cries," Lowe said at the exit. It's such a cold baby. I just think it will be so much fun to see them grow together and become better friends. "

"I'm really excited to see the momentum as these boys become men."

Lowe and Giudici both expressed a desire to have more children, so that Samuel and Isaiah could live the joy and excitement of being big brothers. "I am the person who wants a football team as a family and has a complex and everyone sleeps together in bunk beds, and yes, there will certainly be more," said Giudici. Entertainment tonight in April 2017, noting that she also hopes to adopt it in the future.

Lowe, meanwhile, hopes to add one more child to his growing family by telling AND"[Growing up]It was just me and my sister. Two is a large number. I could do three. I think four, this can sometimes be out of control. I would say that three is a good number. "

In the meantime, we are simply sending many prayers and good wishes to the Lowe-Giudici family, hoping that baby Isaiah will soon be better, so that he and his older brother can still play together.

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