Sean Penn doubles his criticism and the movement "divides men and women"


Sean Penn doubled his criticism of the Too movement, claiming that the anti-sexuality campaign had been "too black and white" and had divided men and women.

In a "Today" interview on Monday, host Natalie Morales asked Penn and co-star "The First" Natascha McElhone if Me Too had informed the strong female characters of their new Hulu show.

McElhone, who portrays a visionary aerospace mogul in space drama, responded in the affirmative – but Penn, who had previously criticized the Me Too movement as "mania-led", disagreed.

"I think nothing has been influenced by what they call the #MeToo movement," he said. "I think this is influenced by the things that develop in terms of empowering women who recognize themselves and are recognized by men. It is a movement that has been largely supported by a kind of salacious receptacle.

When Morales asked him to clarify his "salacious" comment, Penn elaborated.

"Well, we do not know what a fact is in many cases," he said. "Salacious, it's as soon as you call something a movement that is actually a series of many accusers, victims, accusations, some of which are unfounded."

"The spirit of the #MeToo movement is to divide men and women," he added.

Morales later asked Penn about how he thought the move had become too big with "too many shades of gray".

"I think it's too black and white," replied Penn, describing the movement as lacking nuance. "In most things that are very important, it's really good to just slow down."

This is not the first time that Oscar winner Oscar Me Too.

He called the move "not intellectually honest" and full of self-aggrandizement and expulsion during a conversation with The Guardian in May.

In this interview, Penn defended his friend Charlie Rose, the journalist and talk show host who had been fired from CBS last year after being charged with several cases of sexual misconduct.

"He says something has happened; other people said that another thing had happened. I was not there. What I think is that we should perhaps be very careful, "said Penn, referring to Rose. "For example, are we now going to say that we will never celebrate Thomas Jefferson again: slave holder, that's all you are?" Charlie Rose provided one of the only sophisticated dialogue programs, and I do not know the percentages, but I know that some lies have been made public about people; I know serious omissions. I am talking about women to men.

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