Sean Penn: #MeToo divides men and women and is "too black and white"


The actor and the director say that the #MeToo movement was "supported by a kind of salacious receptacle".

Sean Penn shared his thoughts on #MeToo's anti-harassment movement during an interview with "Today" reporter Natalie Morales in the Sept. 17 edition of the NBC morning show. The actor was promoting his new original drama series, Hulu, "The First," but he turned a deaf ear to saying that #MeToo had been "largely supported by some sort of salacious receptacle."

"We do not know what's going on in a lot of cases," Penn said when asked to clarify. "As soon as you call something, Salacious is a movement that is actually a series of individual accusers, victims, accusations, some of which are unfounded. "

Morales told Penn that many women would disagree with him and say that the movement unified them, which Penn explained: "I'm going to say that the women I'm talking to, not in front of a camera there is a common sense that is not represented at all in the discussion when it comes to the discussion with the media, the discussion where if Sean Penn says that, then he will attack it for saying that, because of this. "

"I do not want it to be a trend, and I am very suspicious of a movement that breaks out in great stridence and with rage and without nuance," he continued. "And even when people try to discuss it in a nuanced way, the nuance itself is attacked. I think it's too black and white. In most very important things, it's really good to just slow down.

Penn made headlines earlier this year when her debut novel, "Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff," included controversial ideas about the #MeToo movement, called in her poem "a childish term of the moment." a crusade of a toddler? The book asks. "Reducing rape, sluty and suffrage in the play of reckless children?"

You can watch the entirety of Penn's interview on the official website of the show. "The First" is now airing on Hulu.

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