Season 3 of Riverdale, inspired by worship, could be its best and most mysterious


This post contains spoilers for the Riverdale Season 3 premiere.

After a second winding and uneven season, Riverdale Fans had the right to be wary of season 3. But fortunately, the CW welcomed this mysterious and soapy series Wednesday, with an episode containing not only all the usual treats: adored teenagers! Dialogue between campers! Mark Consuelos in impeccably tailored costumes, but also new gifts, including a mysterious "Gargoyle King" and a cult that allows Betty's mother and her sister, Polly, to levitate children over a fire.

Other changes are also coming for the series: Archie Andrews will be behind bars, at least for one episode or two more. Veronica broke all ties with her father, while the dynamics of her mother and mother continue to become more and more interesting. And Betty ended the first of Wednesday with convulsions in shock. The show is at its best when it divides its objective evenly between the personal relationships of these characters and their crazy adventures – and so far, Season 3 is doing just that. This also raises many burning questions, starting with this one:

Who or what is the king of the gargoyle?

Towards the end of the first Wednesday, Dilton, nervous, approached Jughead with an urgent message about Gargoyle King – a character he thought was a role-playing character, until he learned that the King was real. Even though Jughead did not find the Gargoyle King hidden in the woods – it's the only episode 1, after all! – He discovered the most terrifying thing to come: Dilton and his friend Ben, kneeling in front of an altar with strange sculptures in the back. Dilton was insensitive. Ben was vomiting what appeared to be green soap.

The Gargoyle King will be important this season. Riverdale Creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has already shared a dark image of the character on Twitter, calling it "macabre, bloody and sinister". We also know that he has either horns or rabbit ears; difficult to say when you are working on a silhouette.

What's going on at the farm?

Polly Cooper and her bizarre cult scenario seem to be paying off in record time this season. As you may remember, last season's finale, Alice, Betty's and Polly's mother, was upset when she learned that her husband was the "Black Hood" murderer. Polly then came with the twins and offered Alice some help, specifically visiting her "friend" at "The Farm", which definitely sounded like a cult. The image of Alice and Polly suspending Polly's twins over a bonfire seems to be a confirmation – unless Betty is hallucinating.

It seems inevitable that what "The Farm" and Polly's friend Edgar will mingle with Gargoyle King; After all, Jughead found that Dilton and Ben were hiding in front of this altar just before Betty saw the baby roaster in flight. Maybe Edgar is the king of the gargoyle. It may be another of Betty's alter ego. Or maybe this season will have two mysteries for the price of one. In all cases, Riverdale becomes more supernatural than ever.

Will Archie spend the rest of the season in jail after pleading guilty to murder?

If it was the real world, probably! But since it is Riverdale. . .

Let's be clear: Archie chose to accept a deal in exchange for his guilt, like his mother and his lawyer Molly Ringwald tried to tell him, very stupid. Even for a character as prone to confusing choices as Archie Andrews. But in the world of Riverdale, Teens on trial for murder also have weekends to spend time with their families and friends – so that Archie does not seem to be juvie soon.

That said, it's inevitable that Archie will meet Someone & # 39; a important while he is behind bars – although no obvious choice comes to mind. Maybe he and some jailed snakes can come up with a plan to help newly installed king king Jughead regain ground with Penny Peabody and Ghoulies. Whatever it is, no matter what – even Morose Archie's prison – defeats the weird Archie Fascist.

Jughead and snakes do they have a chance?

It does not look great – even if at least Hot Dog, the adorable Mutant Mutant of Southside Snakes, is alive and well after being captured by the Ghoulies. Jug and the Serpents saved their dog at risk and so provoked the Ghoulies and their new leader, Penny Peabody, who works with Hiram Lodge to seize Southside for harmful purposes. Now, Penny has proclaimed that the North Side is a fair game in the Ghouls War against Snakes – and it does not really seem like Jughead has a plan or a real idea of ​​what he's facing. This does not bode well.

On the positive side, Jughead has Betty as queen of the snake. His. . . still not clear what that does means, but Betty insists that the queen of snakes is a warrior queen and will therefore be with Jughead during all her future gang encounters. Anyway, he will probably want to keep an eye on his girlfriend, since Penny has designated Betty as a target. If Jughead, Sweet Pea and the rest of their Snake comrades do not act soon, they could end up with nowhere to go – but as Jug's father, FP, reminded his son, and no one can take it to you or to none of us.

Where is Cheryl Blossom in the world?

The biggest mystery of all! Of course, the favorite character of the fans appeared several times – swimming with his girlfriend, Toni Topaz, and standing at the back of a truck during the Hot Dog rescue mission, waving a bow and a arrows in what we can only describe and-Leather-Jacket Warrior Mode. "However, this first could have used a larger dose of the most delirious redhead of the show and its seemingly infinite supply of doubled. In fact, strike that: Riverdale still needs more Cheryl.

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