Second British woman died after a Brazilian buttock lift


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It is a risky procedure with a high mortality rate (image of the file)

A second British woman is said to have died after undergoing a "Brazilian facelift" operation

The 20-year-old unnamed woman has died this year and an investigation into her death is expected in the next 12 months, the BBC reported.

The British Association of Visual Plastic Aesthetics warns that nearly one in 3,000 people undergoing the risk procedure die.

The fat injected too deeply can enter the circulatory system, eventually leading to pulmonary embolism.

In August, the British mother of three, Leah Cambridge, died after traveling to Turkey for the same operation, having suffered three heart attacks during the procedure.

The treatment, which reshapes the buttocks by transferring fat from areas including the stomach and back, has become an increasingly popular technique for getting an hourglass size.

Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Nicki Minaj have enjoyed tremendous popularity that has led some women to take extreme measures to emulate them.

Brazil's defenders, or BBL, say the results are fast and recovery is generally fast.

However, experts have repeatedly warned that this could lead to serious complications.

Another British woman, Joy Williams, died in Bangkok (Thailand) in October 2014, following a "buttock augmentation operation".

Her wounds were infected and the 24-year-old woman from London died later under anesthesia.

In 2011, Claudia Aderotimi, 20, of Hackney, in East London, died as a result of a "buttock enhancement" procedure in an American hotel.

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