Second case of measles diagnosed in Lowell


Public health officials yesterday announced that another case of measles had been diagnosed in the Lowell area.

This second case at the Lowell Community Health Center comes days after the diagnosis of measles in another patient, announced yesterday the Department of Public Health.

"Our current efforts are to identify people who are likely to get sick and get them vaccinated," said Dr. Catherine Brown, state epidemiologist. "There are no known links between the two cases."

The contagious disease is caused by a virus that spreads from one person to another would be especially dangerous for children under 5, pregnant women and people whose immune systems are weakened, according to DPH .

"We take this very seriously and take an aggressive stance to get the message across," Lowell Mayor William Samaras told The Herald. "It's a problem we have to face, but for now it's not an epidemic."

DPH said that the patient diagnosed Thursday was present in several other places, including a T.J. Maxx in Chelmsford and Walmart in Tewksbury, that could have exposed others to the disease a few days earlier.

Public health officials urged anyone who did not know their measles immunization status to receive at least one dose of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. Once inoculated, it is "unlikely that people develop measles even if they are exposed," said DPH.

But the risk exists.

"Measles is incredibly contagious," said Dr. Paul Sax, Clinical Director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

"That's why large-scale vaccination is important. People become seriously ill. Everyone should get vaccinated. This is one of the most important messages. Get vaccinated as soon as possible. Vaccination after illness can still prevent it. It is not too late.

"Measles has fortunately become a rare disease. But there have been very large epidemics in Europe. There have been recent outbreaks in New York and California. People who have been exposed and who are not immune and develop an illness that starts with a cold should contact their doctor immediately. "

Earlier this year, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared that measles "remains a major cause of preventable childhood mortality through immunization". However: "Measles remains present in many other countries and can be imported into the United States by unvaccinated travelers (foreign visitors). "

Symptoms appear between 10 days and two weeks after exposure and may look like those of a cold. A rash can develop two to four days later.

Public health officials said people who are exposed to or who are beginning to experience measles symptoms should call their health care provider before going to an office, clinic or emergency department because this could put others at risk and should be avoided.

Kathleen McKiernan contributed to this report.

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