Second debate between Ted Cruz and Beto O 'Rourke postponed | Policy


WASHINGTON – The second debate between Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Beto O. Rourke has been postponed, the presenters announced Friday.

The debate was scheduled for Sunday night at the University of Houston. A statement from the university indicated that a delay was needed as Cruz will travel to Washington for the weekend's votes.

The UH and media sponsors, KTRK-TV (ABC-13), affiliated with Houston Univision, are working with campaigns to postpone their schedule, the university said.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote Friday afternoon on the controversial appointment of Brett Kavanaugh JA in the United States Supreme Court. A procedural vote is scheduled for Saturday in the Senate, with a vote of confirmation Tuesday.

But the appointment remained in doubt on Friday, with the main moderates still uncommitted. The GOP leaders need every vote to get him through, including Cruz, who has staunchly defended Kavanaugh and decried the Democrats for trying to derail the bid with allegations of sexual misconduct when he was high school and college student.

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