Secret & # 39; s out: The Kiwis unveil the code names of Harry and Meghan before the royal visit


Wellingtonians secretly working on royal projects had to use code names for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for weeks.

At Maranui Beach Café in Lyall Bay, which will host Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on October 29th, they were nicknamed "Posh and Becks" after the equally famous British couple.

The royal couple will visit the popular café on a tour of New Zealand at the end of October and meet young people involved in mental health projects.

More an English football fan than a royal fan, co-owner Bronwyn Kelly was not worried about this visit.

Coffee Maranui and co-owner Bronwyn Kelly will welcome the Duke and Duchess during their tour of Wellington later in October.


Coffee Maranui and co-owner Bronwyn Kelly will welcome the Duke and Duchess during their tour of Wellington later in October.

* Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will travel to Wellington, Abel Tasman, Auckland, Rotorua
* Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visit New Zealand
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And it will not be his first meeting with the duke. She has already seen the young prince being driven by Princess Diana through the Louvre in Paris, although she does not intend to tell him.

This will be a landmark event for the Maranui Surf Life Saving Club coffee and rescue club, which shares the building.

"Even on Instagram, people say," I hope they'll line up too. "

Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex are touring New Zealand at the end of October.

WPA Pool

Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex are touring New Zealand at the end of October.

To confirm, the Duke and Duchess will not join the queue always present and the event is closed to the public.

It is hoped that there will be a crowd that will be waiting outside, though, and perhaps time to walk along Lyall Bay Parade, Kelly said.

Some key staff members have already volunteered, although Kelly has considered getting nervous and shaking hands as the royal couple approaches.

"My mother offered to do the dishes that day, I saw her in the kitchen, so no way."

Kristy Grant, director of Courtney Creative, sits on a five-meter couch used as an accessory for the movie Thor: Ragnarok, explains that the royal tour is public and planning can really begin.


Kristy Grant, director of Courtney Creative, sits on a five-meter couch used as an accessory for the movie Thor: Ragnarok, explains that the royal tour is public and planning can really begin.

On the menu? Paua muffins and white bait scones, jokes Kelly.

"We are a coffee, we will not be what we are not."

She will probably be served by the co-owner and "extraordinary" of the kitchen. Katie Richardson is her famous slice oats, her scones on date and orange and a raw vegan part.

And a cup of Havana coffee owned by Wellington should prepare the couple to travel to Abel Tasman National Park, on the other side of the Cook Strait, for a walk in the bush and a barbecue.

On the menu of the Duke and Duchess at Cafe Maranui? Whitebait scones, pleasant of the co-owner Bronwyn Kelly. The royal pair will probably be served with classic orange scones and date.


On the menu of the Duke and Duchess at Cafe Maranui? Whitebait scones, pleasant of the co-owner Bronwyn Kelly. The royal pair will probably be served with classic orange scones and date.

Back in Wellington for the evening, Harry and Meghan will meet young designers from Wellington at an exhibition showcasing the city's cinematographic talent.

Kristy Grant, director of Courtenay Creative, called the pair "Mr. and Mrs." in the perspective of the grand unveiling.

"It was just something to keep – maybe not that – discreet, but it seems to have worked."

Kristy Grant, director of Courtenay Creative, is hosting an exhibition showcasing the creative talent of Wellington - film and other - for the Duke and Duchess. The exhibition will take place in the new workspace of the Wellington designer, which starts the week before the arrival of the royal family.


Kristy Grant, director of Courtenay Creative, is hosting an exhibition showcasing the creative talent of Wellington – film and other – for the Duke and Duchess. The exhibition will take place in the new workspace of the Wellington designer, which starts the week before the arrival of the royal family.

Courtenay Creative, a creative work and exhibition space led by Jamie Selkirk, co-founder of Grant and Weta Digital, is expected to open a week before the royal family arrives.

The walls are still bare and sitting on a five-meter couch used as an accessory in Thor: RagnarokGrant hesitates to say too much about the "sensory experience" that awaits the Duke and Duchess.

But what we do know is that the show will show Wellington's young talent in the fields of make-up, costumes and virtual reality.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are welcomed by an enthusiastic British public. The couple will soon visit New Zealand.

Whether you're a fan of the royal family or not, it's an opportunity to show off the best of Wellington, she said.

"Have I watched royal weddings? You're absolutely right, with a big bottle of champagne."


* Sunday, October 28 – The Duke and Duchess arrive after visiting Sydney, Fiji and Tonga. They are greeted at Government House before laying a wreath at the Pukeahu Memorial Park.
* Monday, October 29 – Morning, visit the Maranui Cafe before heading to Abel Tasman National Park for a walk in the bush, then back to Wellington to see the young talents of the movie industry at Courtenay Creative.
* Tuesday, October 30 – The royal couple travel to Auckland to visit Redvale on the north coast and devote a native bush area to the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy. Then a visit to the children's charity, Pillars, which supports children who have a parent in prison. Prince Harry and Meghan will then walk into Auckland Viaduct Harbor and attend a reception hosted by Premier Jacinda Ardern at the Auckland War Memorial Museum.
* Wednesday, October 31 – On their way to Rotorua, they will visit the marae Te Papaiouru and meet young people from the region. They will travel to Rainbow Springs to learn about a kiwifruit breeding program, meet the public at Rotorua's government gardens, walk through the redwoods and meet with local mountain bikers.
* Thursday, November 1st – The Duke and Duchess leave New Zealand.

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