Secret services crack credit card overflows at country's fuel pumps


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By Didi Martinez, Amy Calvin and Cydney Weiner

Credit card skimmers need to be wary.

The US secret services have announced the opening of the holiday season with a national initiative to tackle the credit card skimming devices installed at gas stations. The operation, called "Operation Deep Impact", was launched on Thanksgiving Day and should coincide with increased demand for fuel during the holidays.

"Approximately 54 million Americans will be traveling across the city or across the country for Thanksgiving and in doing so, many will buy gas for their car," reads in a statement from L & amp; government agency. "These annual increases in the number of travelers on the road during the holidays mean more pay days for" à la carte "criminals who target victims at gas stations."

According to the Federal Trade Commission, there is skimming of the credit card when illegal card readers are installed in the payment area of ​​a fuel pump. Once a consumer inserts his card into the fake reader, criminals then have access to that person's data to be able to use or sell online.

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