Secret services will buy Harley, despite Trump's quarrel


The documents detailing Secret Service plans for the purchase of a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle this fall were published on the Federal Business Opportunities website and were first reported by Roll Call. The synopsis of the solicitation of the Secret Service is dated September 13th.

Federal Business Opportunities is a public Web site where federal organizations can publish bid solicitations and requests for proposals from public contractors and private companies.

Trump's quarrel with Harley-Davidson began when he imposed high tariffs on steel and aluminum imports earlier this year to support domestic production. The European Union has responded by pledging to raise tariffs on a list of products imported from the United States, including Harley motorcycles.

Harley said it would lose up to $ 100 million a year because of tariffs and announced plans to transfer part of its production abroad to avoid additional rates on motorcycles sold in the United States. EU.

Trump said the company was using EU tariffs as "an excuse" to move manufacturing overseas.

"Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if the manufacturing moves abroad. he tweeted in August. "Most of the other companies come in our direction, including Harley's competitors, a very bad move, the United States will soon have a level playing field, or better."

In his justification for the purchase of a Harley-Davidson instead of a motorcycle from another company, the secret service stated that he already had technicians trained to work on Harleys, and sidecars adapted to Harleys.

"Any other motorcycle would require additional training of personnel", which justifies uncompetitive form states. According to her, the purchase of another type of motorcycle would require the purchase of additional sidecars, which could cost "thousands of dollars".

The forms explain that the purchase must replace older motorcycles "of the same make and model that have excessive mileage and are outside of a standard replacement cycle".

The Secret Service noted that the Metropolitan Police Service and the US Park Police also use Harley-Davidson.

Asked about the decision to buy a new Harley, the spokesman for the secret service, Mason Brayman, referred CNN to the rationale and had no further comment.

The White House and Harley-Davidson did not respond to CNN's requests for comment at the time of publication.

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