See Joaquin Phoenix in Full-On Joker mode in a terrifying photo


Joaquin Phoenix is ​​the nightmare of the last picture of his original movie Joker.

The 43-year-old actor presents himself as DC's super villain in the latest thriller shot by director Todd Phillips. Wearing the scary makeup that he introduced last week, this latest image also shows Phoenix wearing the character's color suit and surrounded in a subway station by what appears to be a henchman wearing scary clown masks .

While details of the plot have been concealed, Phoenix has already spoken about taking the character in a July interview with collider.

"It feels unique, it's its own world in some ways, and maybe, most of the time, it's scary to me, or something," said Phoenix, adding that the next project of "An actor" could just as easily be the thing that scares you the most.

RELATED: See Joaquin Phoenix as Joker – in Super-Creepy Makeup!

The actor also discussed what it's like to play a role on which so many people have their own opinions.

"It's an enlarged version of what you treat as an actor," he said, explaining that every time an actor takes a role and imposes himself before the creative team of the film, can be very trying.

RELA: Joaquin Phoenix spotted in New York as he prepares to play Joker

Joaquin Phoenix in first picture like The Joker

Joaquin Phoenix in first picture like The Joker

Todd Phillips / Instagram

"They have their expectations, and they have imagined things in their heads, and they have imagined different actors, and suddenly you are dealing with them and so there is this moment of anxiety of" Is I I met their expectations? "And at some point, just own and say," I can not consider who they could have imagined before or what movie six months ago, that's what it's like. " is now and I must find my way into it. "

The famous character has already been performed by many actors, including Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger and Jared Leto.

Warner Bros. described the film as an "exploration of a man ignored by society [that] is not only a grainy study, but also a broader warning story, "according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The release of the original Joker movie is scheduled for October 2019.

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