See the first lady Barbara Bush in the granddaughter Barbara wore, something borrowed on the wedding day


The former First Lady, Barbara Bush, could not see her granddaughter, Barbara Pierce Bush, marry her fiance, Craig Coyne, on Sunday at an intimate ceremony for families, in the Maine.

Although Bush's matriarch died at the age of 92 in April, the bride carried with her the day of her wedding a sentimental reminder of her beloved namesake.

"It is really nice. The "something borrowed" I wear is the bracelet my grandfather gave to my grandmother on the occasion of her 70th birthday, "said Barbara, 36, at PEOPLE a few days before her wedding at the seaside in the residence of the Bush family in Kennebunkport, Maine.

The 36-year-old daughter of former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush added that her "something blue" was a pair of earrings of the sister Twins Jenna Bush Hager, also 36 years old.

After it was decided that Barbara would wear the bracelet "borrowed", the staff of her grandfather gave him another nice memory. "They found this picture that they were hugging in their arms just after he gave her the bracelet, which is really sweet and special," Barbara says.

On the day of her wedding, Barbara wore the bracelet on her left arm and recreated with her grandfather attached to a wheelchair the pose that he had taken with his wife three and a half years ago, on January 6, 2015.

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The bracelet was not the only reminder of the old Barbara Bush at the wedding.

President Bush, 72, paid tribute to his late mother in a heartfelt speech after the ceremony, said a wedding attendee at PEOPLE.

"Barbara is named in the honor of a single, strong woman – and rightly so, because she is unique and strong," said the 43rd president, who spoke about her mother and daughter.

"While I was thinking about this toast in my studio, I was looking at the portrait I did of Barbara," he continued. "I painted a beauty with dazzling blue eyes. In those eyes, I painted a compassionate soul who cares deeply for the less fortunate. I have painted a daring and adventurous woman, a woman proud of her determination to make a positive contribution to humanity. I have painted a nice friend and a very intelligent person. I have painted a loving person who loves the man and the cat. But most of all, I painted a woman that I love and for whom I have such pride. "

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And Jenna paid tribute to her grandmother's love affair with her husband, 94-year-old former President George H. W. Bush, who was there on Sunday to see her little girl tie the knot.

In a moment of emotion, Jenna read a letter from George H. W. Bush wrote to his wife on the occasion of their 49th wedding anniversary on January 6, 1994.

"Do you want to marry me?" The 41st President wrote in a letter to Barbara Pierce and signed GHWB. "Oops, I forgot you did it 49 years ago today! I was very happy that day in 1945, but I am even happier today. You have given me the joy that few men know.

"You turned our boys into men by bawling them, then immediately loving them. You have helped Doro become the sweetest and the greatest girl in the world. I climbed perhaps on the highest mountain in the world, but even that can not be considered as Barbara's husband, "says the letter. "Mom was telling me," Now, George, do not walk in front. "She hardly knew I was just trying to follow Barbara Pierce's follow-up from Onondaga Street in Rye New York. "

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